
MHIS“Information Session” Highlights

25 Dec 2015

Mission Hills International School held their first “Information Session” at the Country Club on Saturday 24 January 2015. The event was very well received with 110 parents and 60 prospective studentsin attendance.January’s temperate weather and the Country Club’s tranquil setting worked in tandem to produce a relaxed, pleasant atmosphere for the session.

MHIS planned the event to share more detailed information about the school’s curricular program and school building plans, and to engage parents and children in a series of active and enjoyable experiential learning activities.

Head of School, Mr. John Jalsevac, spoke about the importance of developing a positive and nurturing school atmosphere or culture. He cited research studies that describe good schools as having “high expectations and, at the same time, are successful at being able to cultivate a positive and caring environment.” This notion of building a strong sense of community where students, teachers and parents work as partners in the learning enterprise is very much at the top of the list of goals identified by MHIS school administrators. Mr. Jalsevac also addressed the Pre-School’s learning program, student-centered teaching strategy, staffing and recruitment plans, class size parameters, and the school calendar and daily schedule.

Executive Director, Mr. Bill Wang, spoke enthusiastically about the exciting school design and building plans. Renditions from the architectural team were displayed.He also shared the importance the school places on educating youth with moral virtues, and about the types of dynamic, curious, reflective, analyticaland well-rounded characters we aspire to develop in the students and school community.

The second part of the session featured a series of fun-filled cooperative games, mural painting, and a guided discovery activity in the Country Club’s ecological garden.

MHIS is now accepting Pre-School applications for admission into K1, K2, and K3 for 3 – 5 year old children. The Pre-School will open in September 2015. The Lower and Upper School’s will open in September 2017.

For more information about the school or the date of the next Information Session pleases visit the school website